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2020 Review Rubynor

Let's remember to celebrate what's good.

2020 was great for Rubynor and it's startups, here are the highlights

Rubynor AS finished fiscal year of 2020 with a positive result of NOK 2 000 000 (about $230 000).

Our biggest stake is in Kaukus which secured funding in june 2020 at the valuation of NOK 21 525 095

Our longest standing investement in Kraftanmelding AS is booming, we hired a CEO, Charlotte S. Vågsland, won some big deals and added Elcert and GO (Guarantees of Origin) to the solution as well as scoring great on our predictive algoritms. Revenue doubled in 2020 and on track for similar growth in 2021, with increased technical of machine learning and automated trading of electricity.

Our investments in Hjemmelegene AS are up in value, closing an investment of valuation 95MNOK, as well as Bulltech AS, selling its subsidiary Kaupang to Arcane Crypto for about 30 MNOK.

We won an Innovation Norway grant of NOK 1 800 000 for a still-secret-project.

bigfive-test.com has seen growth and is localized to 25 languages.

Excited for 2021 <3

We're currently hiring!

Frontend devs and backend devs (Ruby/Rails or Nodejs). Remote friendly and relocation services provided to join us in healthy Norway.